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December 24-January 4 from 6 AM PT/9 AM ET/2 PM GMT/4 PM Greece and 5 PM Moscow (2 hours) all days
Please join us for the annual 12 Holy Nights where we work deeply with Our Guides and Teachers in the Inner World and specifically with Metatron and Our Holy Guardian Angels. This time marked by the turn of the year with the Winter and Summer Solstice is a key initiation juncture where we can delve deeply into the spiritual world and emerge with greater clarity and understanding of who we really are at the deepest core. This year's theme will be uncovering and clearing subconscious patterns that still rule our life without our full awareness. Science suggests that 95% or more of our life is ruled by subconscious patterns usually laid down during the first seven years of our life that we are not fully aware of. This percentage may actually be even more although we think we are in full control.
In addition, each of the Holy Nights we will be working with one of the 72 Divine Names of God to activate our unique twelve chakras. These Divine Names are one of the most sacred ways to connect to Higher Angelic Beings and accelerate our Light Body Development. We will go more in-depth also into the full use of the 72 Divine Names and their substantial power to make a difference in our life on all levels both practical and spiritual.
Each day we will be working with the Divine, Our Guides and Teachers, Metatron, Our Holy Guardian Angel, and Our Higher Self to uncover distinct subconscious patterns and clear them. We will do this first with a 45 minute transmission assisted with a 144-sided Vogel crystal. After the transmission we will take a 10 minute break followed by work using program journeying to ask the Inner World for direct help with this uncovering and clearing of these subconscious patterns. We will then imprint our system and consciousness with positive patterns of our choosing.
Each of the twelve sessions will be divided into negative subconscious patterns which we will clear and then positive patterns which we will imprint. The following is the schedule for this process:
First Holy Night: December 24-25-Negative Pattern Cleared is Anger; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Silence
Second Holy Night: December 25-26-Negative Pattern Cleared is Fear; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Equanimity
Third Holy Night: December 26-27-Negative Pattern Cleared is Annoyance; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Compassion
Fourth Holy Night: December 27-28-Negative Pattern Cleared is Arrogance; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Humility.
Fifth Holy Night: December 28-29-Negative Pattern Cleared is Attack; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Harmlessness.
Sixth Holy Night: December 29-30-Negative Pattern Cleared is Poverty Consciousness; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Forgiveness.
Seventh Holy Night: December 30-31-Negative Pattern Cleared is Competitiveness; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Gratitude.
Eighth Holy Night: December 31-January 1-Negative Pattern Cleared is Entitlement; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Openness.
Ninth Holy Night: January 1-2-Negative Pattern Cleared is Ignorance; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Positivity
Tenth Holy Night: January 2-3-Negative Pattern Cleared is Hopelessness; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Honor
Eleventh Holy Night: January 3-4-Negative Pattern Cleared is Pride; Positive Pattern Imprinted is Perseverance
Twelfth Holy Night: January 4-5-Negative Pattern Cleared is Low Self-Esteem ;Positive Pattern Imprinted is Unconditional Love
By working directly on these subconscious patterns with the Divine and Our Guides, we can shift the trajectory of our life and move towards greater wholeness and integration according to our soul plan. We will also learn techniques along the way to consciously reprogram the subconscious.
The meetings are on-line. If you cannot make the live times, the video recordings will be provided after each session to all participants. Everyone who registers will be included in the energy. A workbook will be provided. There is one session each day. There are no prerequisites to the class and it is open to all. Russian and Greek translation will be offered.
Cost: $350
To register please click here
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